A Fat Cat and A Thin Cat

city street friends animal

Once a fat cat and a thin cat were talking to each other. The thin cat said to the fat cat ” You are so lucky that you get food all the time. But can you tell me where do you get food everyday?” The fat cat replied ” There is a king’s palace, I go there and hide in the king’s room. When no one stays there I eat lots of food secretly.”The thin cat requested the fat cat to take him to the king’s palace so that he could eat lots of food. The fat cat agreed. One day they both went to the king’s palace. They hid there. But that day the king ordered his guards to catch the cat and punish them. The fat cat heard this and said the thin cat to leave the palace as soon as possible. But the thin cat did not listen to the fat cat’s warning. The thin cat still went to eat food and he was caught by the guards. Being caught the thin cat was punished badly.

Moral: Too much greed is very harmful.

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