An Ungrateful Man

worms eyeview of well

One day a man was going home and then he suddenly heard some strange noises from a well nearby. He came to the well and saw that there were a man, a tiger, and a monkey stuck inside. All of them requested the man to get them out of the well. But he was very clever and gave a condition to them ” If I help you all to get out, what will you give me in return for helping you?” The man said, ” Whatever you will tell me to do I will do that.” The tiger said, “I will surely help you if you are in danger any day.” The monkey said, “Whenever you will call me, I will come to you.” Hearing all these, the man helped them to come out of the well. The tiger and the monkey thanked the man for his help but the ungrateful man didn’t thank him. The ungrateful man said, “I was testing you whether you would help or not. I didn’t need your help because I could have come out myself.”

Moral: If anyone helps us, we should be grateful to him.

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