
andrew seaman 8n02UpJ170E unsplash scaled How to know the health condition of your baby in the womb?

How to know the health condition of your baby in the womb?

To know the health condition of your baby in the womb, you have to observe two-three points very carefully. The fetus starts its movement after 4-5 months in the womb. You have to carefully observe the movement of your baby to know the health status. Generally, this observation can be done in the following ways. […]

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baby in blue shirt lying on bed

Developmental Milestones for Your Baby up to One Year

Your baby’s first year of life is the most wonderful, amazing, and exciting moment for you. The first 12 months are the most vital period as developmental changes occur very rapidly at this stage. As a new parent, understanding different milestones of your baby’s development can be very challenging. Every month you will observe that

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