Beneficial Home Remedies for Childhood Colds: Natural Comfort for Your Little Ones

Dealing with a baby suffering from a cold can be challenging for both the parents and the baby. Babies have a delicate immune system that is still developing, making them more susceptible to colds and the discomfort that comes with them. While it’s essential to consult your pediatrician to ensure proper treatment and rule out […]

Important factors to look into after you have decided to conceive

Always remember that only good-quality trees can produce good fruits. Similarly, only a healthy mother can give birth to a healthy baby. A healthy mother and a healthy child are synonymous. You can follow the below-mentioned tips if you have decided to conceive. If you are planning to conceive, it is essential to follow the […]

How do you recognize that your child is losing self-confidence and going into depression?

The importance of self-confidence in human life is immense. Now, the question is, how do you recognize the self-confidence of your child is deteriorating? The following tips might help you in this regard. The child is not willing to take any challenge. Then, it should be understood that the child is afraid of failure or […]

What to do if you see your baby is not talking even after a certain age?

Pronouncing some words and using the whole language are two different things. Some children learn to use the language late, although they may say some meaningful words. Children usually learn to say some language at 1.5 years of age. Many parents become anxious after that time if they found their children unable to speak at […]

Is it normal for the kids to have fear and how to get rid of it?

Some children are brave and some are timid by nature. Fear or panic is a temporary feeling, that gradually disappears as the child gets older. Most fears are mental formations and they have nothing to do with reality. Those who have less self-confidence might have a little more fear. Children with low self-confidence need constant […]

The child is stammering – what to do?

Children who cannot adapt to their respective environments usually stammer. Generally, stammering may be started from the age of 2 years. If the children are repeatedly reminded about their weakness or someone makes fun of it, then the intensity of stammering may increase. This happens because their confidence level drops and they feel extreme mental […]

What should be a baby’s diet in the first 6 months of life?

In the first 6 months of life, the baby should be exclusively breastfed. 3 to 4 days after the baby should be provided with vitamin-D everyday as breast milk contains very little vitamin-D. Warning: Always consult with your doctor before giving any medicine to your baby. Calcium is not absorbed without vitamin-D, no matter how […]

Importance of breast milk for your baby – A brief discussion

Mother’s milk is like nectar to the baby. Therefore, a mother’s main focus should be to breastfeed her baby without any alternatives. So that, the mother will not have any regret in the future for not breastfeeding her baby during infancy. To survive in today’s competitive world, the brain should be fully functional. And mother’s […]

Your baby is having hiccups and sneezing – ANYTHING TO WORRY?

Hiccups and sneezing both are natural physiological phenomena of the body. These are not any type of disease but they are part and parcel of human life. Hiccups usually occur in babies after having milk. After feeding, the stomach swells and puts pressure on the baby’s breathing muscles, and as a result, hiccups occur. On […]

What is the difference between milking and vomiting and how to identify it?

Almost every baby makes milk after feeding. Parents mistakenly think of this event as vomiting. Milking can stay up to a maximum age of one year. You can identify milking with the following characteristics: – If the baby makes milk, it will not go far from baby’s body. Generally, it rolled down through its checks. […]

Why do babies make milk and how to get rid of this problem?

If the mother does not know the correct breastfeeding techniques, then there is a high chance that the baby makes milk. Babies swallow some amount of air during breastfeeding and as a result, the baby makes milk. If you learn the techniques of how to properly breastfeed your baby and after that the proper method […]

When and why do the newborn babies cry and what to do if they cry?

Babies usually cry more for the first three months of their life. Then gradually the intensity decreases with time. Generally, they cry more at night. The reasons for crying at this stage are as follows: – During the first three months of life children stay awake more at night. Babies eat less at night and […]

How will you understand if the baby can hear properly with its ears or not?

If the baby does not have any hearing difficulty, a loud noise will cause him/her to tremble, blink eyes, or cry. Therefore, if the baby can hear properly, then there must be some sort of reaction to the sound. If you talk to him/her, he/she will stare at your face and will try to make […]

What to do if your baby has an indigestion and acidity problem?

The inner wall of our stomach emits enzymes and acids that help digest various foods. Many a time, food contains germs. If there are any germs in the food, acid destroys it. Babies usually produce less acid, so giving them antacids might be counterproductive. In that case, no medicine is allowed without the advice of […]

How many times the newborn baby should be breastfed in a day?

Newborn babies require breast milk in the interval of 2-3 hours in the first week of life. After the first week, the baby should be breastfed in the interval of 3-4 hours. Gradually, breast milk should be given as per demand i.e., whenever the baby wants. Now the question is how to understand, baby wants […]

White lining on the newborn’s tongue, is there anything to fear?

White lining can be observed on the tongues of many breastfed babies. This happens due to two probable reasons. The first reason is an accumulation of milk sediments on the tongue and the second reason is fungal infections. Now, the question is how to determine the actual reason behind it. Take a clean cloth, wrap […]

What to do if your newborn baby cries while urinating?

It is observed that sometimes newborn babies cry while urinating. This might be a matter of concern for you. But if you know the science behind it, you can feel relieved. If you observe carefully, you will see, your baby is crying just before and after urination. But during urination, they stay calm. Babies cry […]

How long a newborn baby takes to leave the stool for the very first time?

A newborn baby generally leaves stool within 24-hours of birth. Therefore, if it is observed that the baby did not pass stool within 24-hours, then immediately consult with your doctor. There might be a possibility of infection in the baby’s esophagus. After birth for the first 2-3 days, the baby passes stool like black tar. […]

How long after birth does the baby urinate for the first time and after that what is the normal frequency of urination?

A newborn baby generally urinates just after birth. But some babies may take 12-24 hours for their first urination. The ultimate timeline for normal urination is 48 hours. Therefore, if any baby fails to urinate even after 48 hours, then it is essential to consult with your doctor. In this case, there is a probability […]

How much water a mother should drink after delivery?

It has been scientifically measured that a lactating mother requires 8-10 glasses of water or liquid in a day. Less amount of water or liquid consumption will lead to constipation and urinal infection. Liquid other than water may be fruit juice, milk, etc. It is not strictly mandatory to count every ounce of liquid intake […]

How to know the health condition of your baby in the womb?

To know the health condition of your baby in the womb, you have to observe two-three points very carefully. The fetus starts its movement after 4-5 months in the womb. You have to carefully observe the movement of your baby to know the health status. Generally, this observation can be done in the following ways. […]