The First 1000 Days of Life: The Importance of Good Nutrition

photo of woman feeding her child

It is very important for every expecting and existing parent to know about the necessity and overall importance of proper nutrition during the first 1000 days of human life. It has been observed that from the very first day of pregnancy up to the age of two years, appropriate nutrition is highly essential for your baby to lead healthy and illness-free life.

The classification of 1000 days is as follows: –

  1. 270 days – In Mother’s Womb
  2. 365 Days – First Year After Birth
  3. 365 Days – Second Year After Birth

This is the time when the brain, body, and immune system of your baby grows and develops significantly. Baby’s brain develops more quickly during the first 1000 days than at any other time of life. Hence, the right type of nutrition during pregnancy and early childhood helps a baby’s learning, physical skills, and emotions to develop properly.

Scarcity of proper nutrition, unhealthy food habits, consuming food at irregular times, lack of awareness about proper nutrition all are vicious cycles of malnutrition, and malnutrition at an early age may cause serious damage to a baby’s overall health and cognitive development. Hence, proper nutrition of the mother during pregnancy and lactation period and appropriate nutrition of baby up to two years should be given most important priority.  

The first 1000 days of nutrition are a combination of four stages. The first stage is started with the nutrition of the pregnant mother, the second stage is the nutrition of the lactating mother, the third stage is the nutrition of baby up to 6 months old, and the fourth stage is the nutrition of baby up to 2 years old.

First Stage: Nutrition for Pregnant Mother

cheerful pregnant woman serving fruit for man
Photo by Amina Filkins on

The fetus consumes all its nutrients from the mother’s body. That is why it is extremely important for the mother to eat healthy and nutritious food during pregnancy.  A would-be mother should prepare her body before planning for pregnancy. A physically weak woman cannot produce a healthy and normal baby. Hence, if you are planning for a baby, then it is your first and foremost duty to maintain a normal and healthy weight with adequate and suitable foods. You should measure your weight at regular intervals and if maintained with a proper diet, you can expect to gain 1kg per month during pregnancy.

I am again reiterating that during pregnancy utmost consciousness is important regarding food and nutrition to produce a healthy and normal baby. The following may be the food chart of a pregnant mother but you are requested to always consult your doctor before making any decision.

The chart is as follows: –
  1. After getting up from bed: – Black Tea with Biscuits
  2. Breakfast: – Bread, Boiled Egg, Banana, Salad
  3. Between Breakfast and Lunch: – A Glass of Milk, Sprouted Gram, Fruits
  4. Lunch: – Rice or Bread or Mix, Dal, Vegetables, Fish/Meat, Cucumber
  5. Tiffin at Afternoon: – Sprouted Gram, Nuts, Cake
  6. Dinner: – Rice or Bread, Vegetables, Chicken
  7. Before going to bed: – A glass of Milk

There is no need to alter this food chart now and again. The most important thing is to eat frequently after an interval.

Important Points to Consider Before Preparing Food-Chart for Pregnant Mother
  1. During the first two months of pregnancy there seems to be a tendency of vomiting. Due to this reason, reluctance observed in case of consumption of food. So, it is recommended to intake food with carbohydrates during this time.
  2. A very common problem of pregnancy is constipation. So, it is recommended to intake vegetables and fruits and drink plenty of water.
  3. It is recommended to avoid junk food and cold-drinks and eat easily digestible foods.
  4. Anaemia may occur during this period. So, it is recommended to eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, fish, egg, milk etc and also iron tablets.

Second Stage: Nutrition for Lactating Mother

fresh vegetables and fruits on the table
Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev on

The deep routed nutritional relationship stays between the mother and her baby even after birth. It is absolutely important and necessary to feed only breast milk up to the age of 6 months. How much and nutritious breast milk a mother will produce entirely depends on the foods she intake. Nutritional ingredients and the mental stability of the mother directly impacts breast milk production.

During the first six months after delivery, the baby is fed only on breast milk, and the baby depends on the mother for all nutrient requirements. Eating a healthy diet while you are breastfeeding is important because what you eat determines the overall physical growth and cognitive development of your baby.

So, if you are breastfeeding, you might need to eat a little more — about an additional 400 calories a day — to give you the energy and nutrition to produce milk. You should opt for nutrient-rich choices, such as a slice of whole-grain bread with a tablespoon of peanut butter, a medium banana or apple, yogurt, meat, eggs, dairy, beans, lentils, and a variety of whole grains as well as fruits and vegetables.

Consumption of alcohol, caffeine more than 2-3 cups, and smoking should be strictly avoided during this time.

There is no need for a special diet during breastfeeding. Purely focus on making healthy choices regarding food and you and your baby will be rewarded for taking a wise decision.

Third Stage: Nutrition for Baby upto 6 months

mother breasfeeding her child while sitting on grass
Photo by Becerra Govea Photo on

Till the first day of birth up to 6 months age, the only food your baby should consume is your breast milk. This is the single most vital point to practice during this stage. Your breast milk is like nectar for your baby. Honey, animal milk, baby food, and even water is strictly prohibited at this stage. These things may hamper the natural nutritional process of the baby, the immunity system may jeopardize and it also increases the risk of contamination. So, avoidance is the best policy.

After the baby’s birth, the primary duty is to feed your baby “colostrum”- the first thick yellow milk of the mother. Colostrum contains more high-quality protein than normal milk. It also contains vital nutrients and vitamins that are absolutely necessary for the proper development of the brain and nervous system of your baby.

How do you measure whether your baby is having enough breast milk or not?

The following indicators will help you find the required answers: –

  1.  If breast milk is adequately feed, the baby will feel full and stop crying for food.
  2. The baby will slowly fall asleep and will continue to sleep for several hours if baby’s stomach is full.
  3. You can observe urination 6 to 8 times a day if your baby is properly feed.
  4. If the baby is getting adequate breast milk, it can be observed in baby’s weight. A gradual increase in weight can be observed. The average weight gain is 120gm per week is ideal.

If you observe the above-mentioned points very carefully, you will have a very clear idea about whether your baby is having enough breast milk or not.

Fourth stage: Nutrition for Baby – 6 months to 2 years

food dawn people eating
Photo by Vanessa Loring on

Right after your baby crossed 6 months age i.e., from 181 days onwards it is extremely important to provide supplementary nutrition along with breast milk. Because 181 days onwards, only your breast milk cannot fulfill the nutritional needs of your baby. Therefore, you need to provide proper complementary food for the overall physical and cognitive development of your baby.

The following chart will help you understand better the age-appropriate food items, daily frequency, and quantity that may be given to your baby: –

Age-Appropriate Food Chart

AgeAfter completion of 6 months to 8 monthsDuring 9-11 monthsDuring 12-24 months
What to EatSoft but dense food like milk-semolina, khichuri of rice & pulse, rice-pudding, ripe papaya, soft banana, boiled carrot, pumpkin, soup of green vegetables, a mixture of dusted rice, wheat & dried nuts, etc and breast milkBoiled and soft fish and meat should be included with previous ones and breast milkNormal food prepared for the family but without spices and breast milk
Daily Frequency2 to 3 times a day3 to 4 times a day3 to 4 times heavy food and 1 to 2 times light food
Daily Quantity of Food2 to 3 tablespoons2/3 portion of a bowl of 250mlA full bowl of 250ml
After commencement of complementary nutrition following important things should be taken into consideration: –
  1. The food items should be full of nutrition.
  2. Primarily food should be less thick and gradually with age it should be thicker to fulfil the nutritional needs of your baby.
  3. Every new food item should be given one at a time. As a result, baby will get accustomed with each one gradually.
  4. The new food items should be started with less quantity and gradually with age and requirement of your baby, the quantity should be increased.
  5. Never ever force your baby to intake food.
  6. Mix iodized salt with food, it will not only increase the test of food but it will also fulfil the need of iodine.
  7. You have to allow your baby to touch the food. This will increase the curiosity of your baby towards food.
  8.  Do not provide fish and meat before the age of 9 months and avoid honey till the age of 1 year.
  9. Breast milk have to be continued for upto 2 years without any halt.


It has been observed that necessary and adequate nutrition from embryo till the age of two years is not only important for early age but also very crucial for entire human life. So, you as a conscious parent should be very careful about the first 1000 days of nutrition. This is the backbone of a healthy, happy, and successful human life.

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