How do you recognize that your child is losing self-confidence and going into depression?

close up photo of sad child leaning on a wooden chair

The importance of self-confidence in human life is immense. Now, the question is, how do you recognize the self-confidence of your child is deteriorating? The following tips might help you in this regard.

  • The child is not willing to take any challenge. Then, it should be understood that the child is afraid of failure or feeling helpless
  • The child gives up quickly after starting any work or play. Then it is to be understood that the child is suffering from frustrations.
  • When the child loses a game or does not do well in school, he is restoring to deception or lying.
  • Sometimes the child speaks so foolishly that others are laughing at him. It hits the child’s self-confidence very badly.
  • The child is trying very hard to cover his ignorance and frustration.
  • The child starts condemning everything and making all sorts of meaningless arguments to make it credible to others.
  • The academic results start to get deteriorated and the child gets reluctant to do normal day-to-day activities.
  • The child begins to decrease contact with friends and starts to isolate himself from society.
  • The child starts to criticize himself. He keeps saying that he will not be able to do anything in his life.
  • He cannot take any criticism as well as praise easily. He starts to get highly sentimental in any kind of comments made by others.

If you observe the above-mentioned behaviors in your child for a prolonged period, then it is a matter of concern. Then you have to talk to your child and need to understand his problems. Moreover, if it is necessary, then you should consult with a psychiatrist.

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