How does a doctor treat your baby’s illness?

a physician examining her patient

In my point of view, if you understand how a doctor treats the ailment of your baby then it will be very beneficial for you as a parent.

Firstly, doctors divide the life cycle of your baby into two different phases. The first phase is one to three months and the second phase is three months onwards. This division helps doctors to do the necessary diagnosis and treatment. It is therefore important to know that on the basis of this principle itself a major portion of clinical treatment is based upon.

A major cause of infant mortality between the age of one to three months is various types of infection caused by bacteria. How do you diagnose infection? You can diagnose it by observing symptoms like vomiting, breathing problems, convulsions, very low or high body temperature, more than ten boils in body, unable to do breastfeed, physically very weak, looking pale, excessive crying, etc. All the above-mentioned problems indicate serious bacterial infections and required immediate medical attention.

On the other hand, children beyond the age of three months are mainly affected by viruses. Examples are viral fever,diarrhoea, jaundice, and many more. Viruses are everywhere but still, babies under three months of age are not affected by it because they got their protective shield from their mother. But with age, this shield weakens and they get affected by viruses after three months old. They get affected by bacteria also. But, of late, due to scheduled vaccinations and upliftment of standard of living, many deadly bacterias can be successfully encountered.

Hence, it is very important to have a close look at your baby during their primitive ages and consult your doctor as and when required.

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