How long does a newborn baby sleep in a day?

baby sleeping on white cotton

For the first few days of life, a newborn baby sleeps during the day and awakens at night.

During pregnancy, when the mother used to walk and did her normal day-to-day work, the baby felt swaying and fell asleep. Again, at night when the mother was sleeping, the bay used to think the cradle has stopped and made movement.

Therefore, the baby used to stay awake at night and sleep during the day. And this practice stays with the baby for the first 1-2 months.

Newborn baby sleeps an average of 16-17 hours a day.  As the baby sleeps more during this period, the mother should wake the baby up after a certain time interval of 4-5 hours up to the age of 6 months for necessary breastfeeding.

Proper and adequate sleep is required for the baby for necessary and holistic development. Hence, It is the primary duty of parents to provide an amicable and calm atmosphere to their babies.

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