How much water a mother should drink after delivery?

woman drinking from glass

It has been scientifically measured that a lactating mother requires 8-10 glasses of water or liquid in a day. Less amount of water or liquid consumption will lead to constipation and urinal infection. Liquid other than water may be fruit juice, milk, etc. It is not strictly mandatory to count every ounce of liquid intake but a very simple observation can indicate whether the mother is getting enough liquid or not.

The observations are as follows: –

  • The mother should carefully observe when she gets thirsty. She should quench her thirst as and when she feels thirsty. This process will fulfil the required hydration of her body.
  • The mother should observe her urine very carefully. If the colour of urine is white or very light-yellow and not smell very bitter, then it can be said that the mother is properly hydrated.

Last but not the least, the lactating mother should always drink boiled water after cooling down.

The above-mentioned process will keep the mother and the baby healthy and trouble-free.

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