How to choose the right school for your child?

teacher asking a question to the class

The school should always be near to your home. If the school is very far from home, your child will get tired easily and will gradually lose the motivation to go to school. Children should be admitted to schools where there is ample space for doing playful activities and a suitable playground. Moreover, extra curriculum activities should be an integral part of daily routine. Every single class should contain 20-30 students so that the class teacher can easily provide equal attention to everyone. You should look for schools where they focus on building moral character and a sense of social responsibility with due importance, besides studies.

It is not always possible to stay near to the school. In that case, check for a well-organized transportation facility of the school.

Proper research about faculty is very important before choosing any school. Because right teachers are always the key to the holistic development of your child.

Hygiene and cleanliness of the school premises should be on your priority list before choosing any school.

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