How to Make Your Child a Genius?

students doing a science experiment inside the laboratory

The human brain is one of the most complex and advanced devices. Our brain begins to form in the mother’s womb. After birth, it grows up to the age of 25 years and attains full maturity. Intelligence depends on the influence of genes, environment, and nutritional aspects. The existence of one without the other can impact a child’s holistic development. Without a proper environment, the inborn quality will not disperse, no matter how good the gene is. On the other hand, without the appropriate supply of proper nutrients, the brain’s growth will not occur properly. Only the collaboration of the three has the probability of making your child a genius.

According to experts, it has been observed through various examinations that the brain grows 99% up to the age of 9 years. The point here is if the baby is not provided with the proper environment and nutrients then the growth of the brain may not be appropriate.

If you look at the chart below, you can better understand how much brain growth occurs at any particular age of the child: – Agewise Growth of Human Brain

AgeProbable Weight of the Brain% of Adult Brain
Newborn360-380 gm25%
1-Year940-970 gm65%
2-Years1040-1120 gm75%
3-Years1190-1270 gm90%
10 to 12-Years1260-1440 gm99%
19 to 21-Years1310-1450 gm100%

The above-mentioned chart shows that the brain grows almost 25% at birth. Therefore, the preparation of an ideal environment and supply of proper nutrition should be started before the mother becomes pregnant.

The following conditions are necessary for the holistic development of your child and make him/her a genius: –

Proper Stimulation

cute newborn with black framed eyeglasses
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The stimuli that a child receives by hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, and touching play a major role in the formation of his/her brain. Babies start to receive different types of stimuli from the time they are in their mother’s womb. That is why when the baby is in the mother’s womb the stimulation process has to be started. In the 5th month of pregnancy, the auditory system of the baby starts to be active. Hence, from this time on, if you start telling positive words or stories to your child it will help to create positive vibration in your child’s brain. A baby stays active in the mother’s womb from evening to midnight, so this particular time should be chosen for proper stimulation.

Utmost Care

man person cute young
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Utmost care should be taken from the time a baby is born. Just putting the baby on the bed and giving him/her toys will not stimulate his/her brain. You also have to be actively involved with your baby. It will be very good if you make him/her hear good classical songs every day. The baby will get a lot of stimulation if he/she gets skin-to-skin contact and timely body massage. This is because the skin is the largest part of our body. Children can understand the feelings, emotions, and moods of their family members, especially their parents; hence, they should feel utmost attention and care with your every gesture.

Proper Exposure

toddler wearing head scarf in bed
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In the first 6 months, babies love white and black striped things like chessboards, photos of zebras, etc. That is why the child should be provided with the opportunity to see these things easily. From 6 months onwards, babies love to see colorful things, especially red-colored items. Therefore, the child should be exposed to colorful things at this stage.

Formation of Proper Habits

three toddler eating on white table
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Kids learn more by repeating something. So, you have to do prominent things over and over again until it becomes a part of your child’s habit. In this way, you can develop good habits in your children through proper repetition. It is a very common confusion for parents regarding what habits should be developed in children so that they can become successful in life. If you want your children to be successful and happy in life, the habits like a positive attitude, curiosity, book-reading, regular exercise, giving, empathy, and appreciation should build up from their formative ages.

Proper Counselling

woman in white long sleeve shirt sitting on brown couch
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Studies have shown that human beings can learn something new throughout their lives if they really want to. By the age of 10-12 years, children are very proficient in learning any new language and mastering new types of techniques. If a child is taken to a psychiatrist at an early age, he/she can help the child with necessary and appropriate advice by measuring the mental dynamics of the child. It is very helpful for enhancing the mental toughness and agility of your child.

Joyful Ambience

family bonding during quarantine
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Apart from the basic minimum need of human life everything we do, we do for pleasure. As a matter of the fact, every one of us loves to stay happy and joyful. Similarly, if children stay happy it will generate positive thoughts and vibrations in them. People with negative attitudes usually fail in life. They do not know how to live well and do not allow others to live well also. Therefore, parents should try to generate positive thoughts and consciousness among their children and also try to keep them as happy as possible.


woman reading book to toddler
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Stories are very important in order to teach children new things and enhance their power of imagination. Albert Einstein was once asked “What to do if I want to make my child a genius?” and Einstein replied, “Tell them stories.” Hearing the answer, the person asked again “What to do if I want to make my child even more genius?” Einstein again replied, “Tell them more stories.” So, from the reply of the greatest theoretical physicist, you can easily judge the importance of stories. Children are like soft clay. You can mold their personality and thoughts as per your wish. Stories are a very good and scientific way of doing so. Children characterize their parents as their role models and try to copy their actions. They get inspired by the thoughts of their parents and try to become like them. Through stories, moral values, life skills, problem-solving skills, communication skills, listening skills, etc get injected into your children and this can make them genius.

Educational Toys

two boys playing with wooden blocks in a room
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Toys are an integral part of childhood. Children love toys. But toys are not only for fun, there are toys that are intentionally designed to educate your children. These are called “Educational Toys”. Educational toys stimulate the learning process of your children by stimulating their minds. Children who play with these toys develop better. These toys can help develop problem-solving skills, increase imagination power, blossom fine motor skills, etc in the process of playing. Puzzles, blocks, shapes, and science kits are some examples of educational toys. In this process, their mental maturity gets improved, and eventually, they become genius.


In the above-mentioned steps, I have tried to explain the possible ways and methods regarding how to groom your child to make him/her a genius. Now, as a conscious and mature parent, you have to make the right decisions at the right time to keep your baby stimulated and fulfill his/her life with all sorts of positive vibrations in order to make him/her a real genius.   

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