How to Make Your Children Successful and Good Citizens of the Country?

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Every parent hopes their children will become successful and good citizens of the country. This job is not at all difficult for the parents. It requires sincerity, patience, a positive attitude, perseverance, self-confidence, and self-sacrifice from the parents. Proper understanding of their children is also an integral part of this process. If any child cannot become a successful and good citizen of the country, then parents will be entirely responsible for this.

The process of character-building, and teaching principles and values to your children should start from a very young age. This process should start at an early age because children do not have any preconceived notions during this period. The formation of the mind gets completed in childhood which stays for the rest of life. Therefore, it is best to build a positive mindset in your child at an early age. For this, your baby’s childhood should be filled with joy and happiness.

You need to religiously abide by the following processes if you want your child to be a successful and good citizen of the country.

Teach Discipline
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It is very important to teach discipline to your children. It is not desirable to be too lax or very strict in your approach and you have to be very flexible in teaching discipline to your kids. Never yell at your children or scold them unnecessarily. Otherwise, they may become even more stubborn and will not try to learn anything. Reward your child for small achievements instead of punishment for small mistakes. This will help your child grow in a more positive way. Kids learn the most from the examples in front of them, so build yourself as a role model to your children.

The best way to teach discipline to your children is to explain to them where things are going wrong and how to fix them. Children will make the same mistake over and over again as they are novices. So, keep an eye on your children and correct them if they make mistakes.

Impose Appropriate Rules
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You should unconditionally love your children besides imposing rules. Rules are important to make your children a better person. But there should be strong logic behind these rules and the number of rules should be as less as possible.

There should not be any imposed rule at all in the first year. At the age of two years, make your children understand that you are not happy with their certain behavior. At the age of three years, if children are deprived of what they deserve, they will understand that they are doing something wrong. Always keep in mind that disagreement of eyes can play a more effective role than bickering.

Let Your Children Fight Their Own Struggle
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Children want their parents not to indulge in their matters. But for the good of the child, parents have to interfere sometimes. Giving children more indulgence does not make them independent, rather it makes them lonelier and impedes their mental development. They may become introvert and oppose their parents if they get the slightest interruption in fulfilling their desire.

It must be remembered that without proper struggle human beings cannot establish themselves in society. Parents do not let their children mature by keeping them away from the real struggle of life. In this regard, always remember the quote of Charles Darwin “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.”

Don’t Expect Unrealistic Things from Children
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The expectations from your children should never be unrealistic in any condition and should always be realistic. The main aim of a parent should be to make their children successful and good citizens of the country. To make it a reality, you need to inject qualities like self-confidence, self-esteem, humanity, positive mindset, in addition to academic qualifications into your children. With these qualities, your children will be able to adapt to any situation and will be successful in the struggle of life.

Children Should be Unconditionally Loved, Supported, and Encouraged
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You should love your children unconditionally and it should be reflected in your expressions. There is no need to buy expensive things to express love. It is much more important to spend quality time with your children. No matter how busy you are, you have to give some time to your kids extracting from your busy schedule every day. Beautiful moments create beautiful memories. So, every parent should try to spend sweet moments with their children. It has been observed that if there are love, mutual respect, and trust in the family, then the children of that family have a higher probability of becoming successful and good citizen of the country.

If your children fail, then you should stand by their side immediately and if they succeed, they should be encouraged and respected. In this way, their self-confidence will increase and they will become more respectful towards you.

Stop Destructive Criticism and Unnecessary Comparisons
two girls getting scolded by their teacher
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Many parents often criticize their children by comparing them with others. This is not at all a healthy practice. Always remember that no two people are equal on this planet. Children do not like to be compared or criticized. As a result, they lose respect for their parents and may be prone to violence. Violence is an indication of weakness in character. Therefore, violence should be strictly avoided from getting incited into the mind of your children.

The primary job of a good parent is to applaud their children for anything good, no matter how little it may be. It will increase the self-confidence and self-esteem of your children. Instead of criticizing your children, help them to know their mistakes and guide them to rectify. This will ease the pain of failure and will help them regain their confidence.

Parents with high self-esteem install confidence in their children. These parents teach their children positive attitudes, values, courage, perseverance, and discipline. In this process, a strong belief system generates in their children which helps them to move forward in life with a clear vision.

Accept Temporary Mistakes and Failure of Your Children
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If your children fail in anything or make any mistake, then they should be treated in such a way that they do not feel defeated. Children should be taught that temporary failures are part of life and they should move on learning lessons from them. If you respect their true effort and criticize constructively, then their pain of failure will be reduced and they will not be ashamed of it. On the other hand, they will be able to put even more effort into the next trial. Prepare your children in such a way that they can solve their own problems by themselves. This practice will help them become a successful and good citizen of the country.

Keep Faith in Your Children
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It is essential to keep faith in your children. They must be given the proper opportunities to prove themselves. Let your children know that your faith in them is very strong. They will like it and will get new impetus for their project. On the other hand, if your children help you with something, then you should tell them that their participation is very important and valuable to you. It will give them a sense of importance which is extremely necessary for building their strong belief system.


A successful and good citizen should have the qualities like cooperation, collaboration, humanity, friendliness, dedication, and devotion towards his country and society. Being a successful and good citizen is not at all a superficial level, it is about a sense of social responsibility towards society.

A great nation is built by its own citizens. Citizens are the smallest unit of a bigger society. A successful and good individual will rise a good family. Several good families will create a good society and through this process, a great nation will be built.

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