How to teach your baby to walk?

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There are many children who learn to walk late. However, it is not a genetic characteristic. It basically depends on how much effort your baby is putting into learning this skill. But it is not entirely dependent on your child’s effort. It also depends on how much time and effort you put into helping your child acquire this skill. Parents have to make a lot of effort in this matter. But the efforts must be made in the right way.

The following tips may help you in this regard: –


Gently massage the hands and the feet of your baby occasionally. In this way, the limb muscles of your baby will be prepared for walking. But to know whether the baby’s body is ready for this kind of massage or not, please visit your pediatrician.

Get The Baby Off From The Lap

It is a proven fact that babies are lethargic if they are kept on the lap all the time. So, ignore the crying for a while and let them crawl most of the time. In this process, they will understand their feet.

Start Early

“As the child is little, he will learn to walk on his own”- this thinking is not at all right. Experts say that the baby should be made to walk from the age of 7 months. There is a concept called muscle memory because of this we learn to walk. The more the child will practice walking, the more muscle memory will be formed and your baby will learn to walk quickly.

Bare Feet

Keep your baby bare-footed at the time of walking. Your child should feel the ground under his feet. By doing this, he will get more control over walking. If your baby walks in shoes all the time, their subconscious mind will prevent them from walking. Moreover, walking on bare feet will also improve their balance.

Provide Incentives

Children are children. They will listen to what you will say. Give them incentives for their efforts. Let them find a shiny red toy in the way of a little walk ahead. This incentive will keep your child moving and it will also build a formula in your baby’s brain about walking. On the other hand, a simple rhythm can also stimulate the baby’s brain to walk.

Observe and React

Let your child see how to get up, how to stand straight, and how to step forward. The more your baby will observe, the faster he will learn to walk.

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