How will you understand if the baby can see properly with its eyes or not?

adorable baby beautiful child

If a bright red object is caught 8-10 inches away from the newborn baby, he/she can follow the object up to 45 degrees. He/she can follow the object up to 90 degrees at one month of age and up to 180 degrees at three months of age.

When the baby is one month old, if the mother talks to him/her, he/she tries to see the mother. At 3-4 months of age, when an object is caught in front of the child’s eye, he/she tries to catch the object with his/her eyes.

Human beings see one object with both eyes and this process gets completed within the age of four months.

At the age of six months, the baby tries to change its position to see things better. Till the age of one year, the baby cannot follow any fast-moving object. With the increasing age, the child’s eyesight gradually increases.

If anytime it seems to you that your baby is unable to see or see less than usual, it is time to consult with your doctor immediately.

Generally, a premature baby or sick newborn should be taken to an ophthalmologist once at the age of one month. On the other hand, a healthy baby should be taken to an ophthalmologist at the age of six months, three years, five years and after that in the interval of every two years.

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