Importance of breast milk for your baby – A brief discussion

mother breastfeeding her child

Mother’s milk is like nectar to the baby. Therefore, a mother’s main focus should be to breastfeed her baby without any alternatives. So that, the mother will not have any regret in the future for not breastfeeding her baby during infancy. To survive in today’s competitive world, the brain should be fully functional. And mother’s milk contains all the necessary ingredients that may sharpen the baby’s brain.

Animal milk is for their babies and human milk is for human babies. Animal milk builds the brain of their babies and human milk builds the brain of human babies. Commercial baby milk is produced from animal milk. So, parents should think twice before considering any infant formula over breast milk.

With a little bit of confidence and awareness, every mother can protect her baby’s future by proper breastfeeding. Babies who are breastfed do not usually have pneumonia, meningitis, asthma, and heart diseases and are more likely to have a better IQ than others.

Roles and responsibilities of a mother regarding breastfeeding: –

  • All babies should be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life. In the first six months of life, breast milk can provide all the necessary nutrients and also quench the thirst of the baby.
  • Babies should be breastfed as soon as they seem to be stable after birth. A normal baby may be able to consume breast milk 30 minutes after birth. On the other hand, in the case of a C-section, it takes at least 4 hours for the mother to get the required stability to be able to breastfeed her baby.
  • The breast milk that is produced in the first three days after the birth of the baby is thick and yellow in color. It is called “Colostrums”. Human beings get only one chance in their life to drink it. It is enriched with nutrients, antibodies, and antioxidants which strengthen the immune system of the newborn baby. Many mothers unknowingly deprive their children of this precious food. This is the most precious gift a mother could give to her newborn baby.
  • As long as the baby is having breast milk, the mother should have an extra meal to fulfill her nutritional needs. This helps to produce valuable ingredients contains in breast milk.
  • As long as the baby is having breast milk, the mother is advised not to consume any medicine without consultation with her doctor.
  • On the other hand, a mother has to do daily work and exercise, so that she can stay physically fit and mentally strong.

Therefore, if you are a mother of a newborn baby, then your primary focus should be to breastfeed your baby in any circumstances to provide your baby a healthy and successful life.

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