Important factors to look into after you have decided to conceive

man and woman lying on bed

Always remember that only good-quality trees can produce good fruits. Similarly, only a healthy mother can give birth to a healthy baby. A healthy mother and a healthy child are synonymous.

You can follow the below-mentioned tips if you have decided to conceive.

  • Get your health checked by your doctor before getting pregnant. If any problem is detected, you must undergo proper treatment before conceiving. Because, if a problem gets detected after pregnancy, then both mother and child may suffer serious consequences.
  • Before pregnancy, your blood pressure, blood sugar, hemoglobin, thyroid hormone, etc., should be appropriately checked under your doctor’s strict supervision.
  • You must take folic acid(4mg/day) one month before conception and three weeks after conception. This is very important because due to the lack of folic acid, proper brain and spinal cord formation may hamper.
  • A would-be mother might have to consume various medicines due to her already persisting physical problems. If you are in a similar situation, you should discuss it with your doctor before having a baby. Because these drugs can cause severe damage to your would-be baby.
  • Some crucial tests like thalassemia should be mandatorily done both for husband and wife before planning to conceive. Whether parents are carriers of these diseases or not should be properly investigated before conceiving.  Parents should be very careful regarding this matter. Similarly, the prospective couple should definitely get tested for HIV before marriage. If this test is not done before marriage, it must be done before having a child. It is also essential to know the HIV status of the pregnant mother. If the mother is HIV positive, she must stay under the strict supervision of an expert to give birth to a healthy baby.
    • The weight of the would-be mother should never be too much or too little. It causes many difficulties in conceiving a child. The ideal age for conceiving should be between 18 to 35 in the case of the first baby. Anything outside this age group may create complicacy.

    If you are planning to conceive, it is essential to follow the above-mentioned tips and always pay high attention to your doctor’s advice. Best wishes for your healthy baby.

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