Parenting Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Child’s Growth

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All parents have their own unique way of bringing up their kids. They try to do their best in order to raise them well. But parenting is one of the most difficult jobs out there. Because there is no prefixed set of rules and method of doing it. Most parents rely on their parenting instincts which are not at all sufficient for solving common parenting issues and problems.

That is why parenting mistakes are a very common phenomenon. It won’t be easy to avoid these common mistakes but learning to overcome those mistakes will smoothen your journey towards being a more effective parent.


faceless people scolding discontent black girl
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Some parents scolded their children very often. But scolding is never helpful. It worsens the parent-child relationship and broadens the distance between them. Scolding your children may cause behavioral problems. Punishment for bad grades is also very harmful which may kill their natural curiosity for learning new things. Connection with your children should be your first priority before any correction.

Not Spending Quality Time

boy in gray shirt playing on sand
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Children are always hungry for their parent’s attention even when it does not reflect in their behavior. It is very important to spend at least 20 to 30 minutes of “quality” time with your kids. “Quality” time means spending time with full attention without seeing TV or Mobile. It will make them feel important. They will realize that not only do you love them but you also enjoy their company. Otherwise, in the future will regret how many great moments you have missed.

Neglecting Child’s Opinion

ethnic father and kid relaxing in bedroom
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

Neglecting a Child’s Opinion is a common practice by most parents. But this kind of attitude may cause a serious impact on their child’s future. If children always feel like their opinion is neglected, it may destroy their self-confidence. So, if you really want to make them independent start prioritizing their opinion. Discuss their opinion, correct them if required but don’t underestimate them.

No Proper Communication with Kids

photo of man and woman having fun with their baby
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Communication between parents and kids is the most important thing in the process of growing up. So, if you are not spending enough time communicating with your kids, you are missing out on the most valuable memories of your life. When parents communicate effectively with their children, then they begin to feel that they are heard and understood by their parents, which boosts their self-esteem. Hence, it is very important for parents to communicate openly and effectively with their children.

Avoiding Financial Education

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Parents do not educate their kids about money. Parents consciously or unconsciously avoid the topic of money with their kids. Without proper education of personal finance and responsible spending, children will never understand the actual worth of money. Because of this, when they grow up, they find it difficult to manage their own income. You should give your kids pocket money so that they can know how to save money and spend it wisely. Don’t fulfill their demand instantly. Tell them to save from their pocket money and meet up their demand. All these practices will help your kids learn to budget, saving and be more responsible.

Not Making Kids Happy Enough

family gathering for a group hug
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Good memories from our childhood are the most essential asset for most of us. Whenever we feel said we go back to those wonderful memories from our childhood. Every child should have lots of new experiences and live in a healthy atmosphere. This will make them happy and when they are happy, they can grow up more actively. So, go to an amusement park, play together and try to do something interesting every day with your kids. Make sure that your kids spend as many happy moments possible in their lives.

Don’t have Consistence Rules

gray haired man teaching the boy how to play chess
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Children respond to clear and consistent rules. But consistency might be a tough challenge in upbringing your kids. When you make a rule of “no phone” during dinner but give up in front of your kid’s demand, then your kids will make a habit of pushing you as far as possible. Without boundaries, they will not behave the way you want them to be and lack of obedience will be an inevitable issue.

Always Make Them Comfortable

father working from home with child on his back
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

This world is a very hostile place to live in. But still, parents try to make the life of their kids as much comfortable as possible. There are many things that might make your kids uncomfortable. Learning new things, playing new sports, forming new habits, making new friends, you name it and it seems to be very uncomfortable in the first place. As failure makes us mentally strong, uncomfortable situations also boost our mental strength. Hence, it is very important to encourage your kids to learn new things and learn from their mistakes. Don’t protect them from making mistakes and don’t keep them in their comfort zone.

Unrealistic Expectations

man in pink polo shirt sitting on white couch
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If you have unrealistic expectations for your kids, you actually creating problems in their lives. As a parent, you will always expect your kids to best at everything but that’s not how things work in the real world. Make sure that your expectations should match the capabilities of your kids. Realistic goals will build necessary mental strength in your kids, even if they don’t meet them. The setbacks will always teach them valuable lessons of life which is extremely important to become a successful person.


Parenting comes with lots of challenges and difficulties but it comes with plenty of rewards and wonderful moments too. Childhood is a time for fun, joy, play, and enjoyment. Don’t drag your kids into the harsh reality of life too early. Let them enjoy their moments, once in a lifetime phase. Offer your kids what they need, not what feels easier or makes you feel better. Very soon they will grow up and if you keep a note of these common parenting mistakes, you will feel proud of yourself.

Good luck and have a great journey with your kids.

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