The Lion and The Foolish Donkey

Screenshot 71 The Lion and The Foolish Donkey

A lion had a servant. The servant was a jackal. One day he ordered his servant to bring some food for him. The jackal while searching for the lion’s food found a donkey and told him ” My friend has invited you to his party”. The foolish donkey believed and went with him. The lion could not wait after seeing the donkey and when he jumped to eat the donkey, the donkey escaped. The lion became angry and ordered his servant, the jackal, to bring the donkey again. The jackal somehow convinced the donkey again in the same way and the foolish donkey agreed again to come. The lion caught the donkey immediately and killed him. The lion went into the jungle and when he came back he found that the brain of the donkey was missing. He got angry and asked his servant, jackal, ” Where is the brain?” The jackal replied, ” he had no brain, otherwise he would not have come again to you “. The lion became puzzled. The clear jackal was laughing at himself because he had already eaten the donkey’s brain.

Moral: We must use our brains intelligently.

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