The Wedding Of The Mouse

close up photo of a person holding a cute white mouse

One day an eagle dropped a mouse on the saint’s lap when he was praying by the side of a river. The saint open his eyes after sometime and saw the mouse. He was very happy. He transformed the mouse into a little girl. He brought this little girl to his home and told his wife ” She is our daughter now”. The saint and his wife brought her up with great care. When she became eligible for marriage they started to find a perfect groom for her. The saint took her to the Sun but she denied saying that ” the sun God is very hot and shiny, I will not marry him”. She then covered her face with her hands because of the light of the sun. She also refused to marry The Clouds. She said, ” the cloud is too dark and its thunder frightens me”. Suddenly the little girl saw a mouse was running in front of them. She then said to her father ” This mouse is very sweet. I want to marry him.” The saint agreed seeing the joy in her daughter’s face.

Moral: Happiness comes from making the right choices.

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