The Wicked Snake and The Clever Fox

Screenshot 82 The Wicked Snake and The Clever Fox

One day a wicked snake broke the eggs of a crow. The crow felt very sad and he was crying. Seeing the crow crying, the fox wanted to know the reason. The crow told the fox about the entire incident. Then the clever fox made a plan to teach the snake a lesson. Nearby a princess was bathing and the fox told the crow to steal her necklace and drop it in the snake’s bill. The crow did it. The guards of the princess came to the snake’s bill and inserted their sticks inside the snake’s bill. The snake got angry and came out hissing. The guards beat the snake with sticks and the snake ran away in fear. Then the crow started to live happily with his family again and thanked the fox for his help.

Moral: If you harm others, they will harm you too.

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