Tips for Successful Parenting

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Parenting is the most important and at the same time most challenging job that you will ever have.  You have to be very flexible and mature at the same time to handle your children properly because with growing ages their requirements and needs would be different. You have a very crucial responsibility of nurturing and shaping your children’s future in order to make them happy and successful human beings.

Remember, parents, are the most important elements of human life. There is no person in the world who can impact and groom your children as you do.

Successful parenting is not about achieving absolute perfection, it means achieving a self-imposed standard of excellence. Set a high standard for yourself first and then for your children. Be a role model for them.

Following tips will help your parenting journey in a positive and healthy way.

Celebrate the Positive Efforts

photo of woman and girl stretching their body
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

Recognizing children for their effort is very important for their self-esteem and self-confidence. Suppose, your child has put together all the scattered toys, then always celebrate that effort even though it is not arranged the way you might have done it.

Talk to Your Children and Listen Carefully

girl sitting on kitchen table while listening to woman
Photo by Yan Krukov on

Encourage your children to talk openly and express their feelings without any hesitation. Proper communication is very important for a healthy relationship. Talk to your children and also listen to them very carefully.

Be a Role Model

father and son looking happy
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It is always very important to show them how to do it instead of telling them to do it. Human beings are programmed to learn by imitation. Children are much more intelligent and imaginative than you think. They observe your every move, every step and incorporate them into their behavior. So, it is your primary duty to become the person you want your children to be. Be their role model.

Use Discipline, Not Punishment

young black father edifying calm son at home
Photo by Monstera on

Discipline is a very important skill that your need to teach your children from their very childhood. It is an art that will teach your children to accept responsibility for their every deed. On the other hand, punishment will force your children to behave them in a certain way of your choice. It does not allow them to be responsible for their own behavior. Hence, it is very important to use discipline and avoid punishment to make your children accountable and responsible.

Create a Safe Atmosphere for Your Children

cheerful mother and daughter having fun on bed at home
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Create an atmosphere where children feel safe and secure. Make them feel that you are always there for them in every circumstance. Your support and acceptance are very important for their proper emotional and psychological development.

Separate Your Children from Their Behaviour

one little boy trying to bite other one while playing
Photo by Jep Gambardella on

Never tell your children that they are good or bad. Instead, indicate their behavior as good or bad. Suppose, your children have scored well in mathematics. Instead of saying that you are a genius tell them that your efforts in this examination were commendable. On the other hand, if they make a mess out of something, instead of telling them that they are bad, tell them that this behavior is not acceptable at all.

Spend Quality Time with Your Children

family playing scrabble
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

Hectic schedule, work pressure, and busy lifestyle is creating hindrance in case of spending quality time with our kids. Parents are very busy in their day-to-day life. But it is important to remember that your kids would like nothing more than your company. If you do not give attention, they will start to misbehave which with time will be hard to control. It is very important to recognize their feelings to understand them better. It is always fruitful to schedule time with your kids. Make a special weekend for them. Make them feel they are special to you. Find ways to connect with them. Always remember that you can correct them, only if you connect with them.

Show Unconditional Love but Be Firm at the Same Time

As a conscious parent, it is your most vital duty to guide and correct your kids. But how you express your corrective guidance makes all the difference in how a child receives it. If you set certain restrictions for your children, then act with reason and firmness when the time comes. Suppose, you have told your child not to buy chips when at the mall. So, when the time comes do not give in to their pleas, tears, tantrum, or promises. But always make them feel that your love is intact no matter what.


The great thing about parenting is that, although it requires lots of hard work, disciplined efforts, and sacrifice, the outcome may be also very rewarding. Although it takes time to get the fruits when you eventually get it, it tastes very sweet. Moreover, nothing seems to be more satisfying and rewarding, than to see our children happy and successful. Only then it can be said our parenting journey is successful.

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