What to do if you observe dandruff or brown-lining on your baby’s head?

photo of baby covered in yellow blanket

Brown-lining can be noticed on the head of some babies. It is usually seen on the head of babies between the age group of 2 weeks to 3 months. Most babies recover on their own from this problem till they reach the age of 7 months.

It does not happen due to bad hygiene or allergy. According to experts, this happens due to excessive secretion of oil from the sebaceous gland of the baby’s head. It could happen to any baby and it is not contagious at all.

 It could be cured through simple home remedies. Apply coconut oil or olive oil on the baby’s scalp for 15 minutes and then wash it with medicated shampoo. Within a few days, the brown-lining will disappear. Consult with your doctor before using any medicated shampoo.

If the problem persists, then you should consult with your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe some medicines to cure it and you should follow your doctor’s advice accordingly.

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