What to do if your baby is sucking fingers even after a certain age?

sean foster z7p Veuy 4I unsplash scaled What to do if your baby is sucking fingers even after a certain age?

This is nothing but a bad habit. Babies love to suck fingers naturally. But after 6 months of age, they gradually leave this habit. On the other hand, some children hold on to this habit for a long time to keep themselves happy. In most cases, this habit goes away on its own before 4 years of age. However, if any child cannot give up this habit even after 4-5 years, then the child’s teeth and jaw structure may become deformed. In this regard, you are advised to consult with your doctor immediately because the child might have some sort of mental illness.

You may also use some home remedies. The details are as follows: –
  • The children should never be criticized for this and should be encouraged to give up this bad habit.
  • The children should be given hand gloves or bitter ingredients on their fingers so that they do not get a chance to suck fingers or do not like the taste at all.
  • You should keep your children engaged in some other interesting activities so that they can forget this bad habit and gradually get rid of it.

If you find no remedies are working for your baby, then you should consult with your doctor.

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