White lining on the newborn’s tongue, is there anything to fear?

egidijus bielskis 66fxJbQpKqE unsplash scaled White lining on the newborn’s tongue, is there anything to fear?

White lining can be observed on the tongues of many breastfed babies. This happens due to two probable reasons. The first reason is an accumulation of milk sediments on the tongue and the second reason is fungal infections.

Now, the question is how to determine the actual reason behind it.

Take a clean cloth, wrap it around your fingers, soak it in lukewarm water and try to clean the baby’s tongue. If it is seen that the lining is easily lifted, it is to be understood that it was due to milk silt. On the other hand, if after removal of lining, the area is found to be red and bleeding, then it should be treated as a fungal infection. In this case, a white lining can be seen on the mother’s nipple and the mother can feel pain during breastfeeding. However, in most cases, white lining occurs due to the accumulation of milk sediments on the baby’s tongue.

Now, the question is why milk sediments accumulate on a baby’s tongue? In the first 2-3 months less saliva is produced in the baby’s mouth and as a result, milk sediments accumulate on the baby’s tongue. After 2-3 months, when the baby’s saliva level increases, this type of lining is no longer seen. It is a normal phenomenon and should not be worried about.

On the other hand, if it is caused by a fungal infection, it can be found on gums, palate, etc other than the baby’s tongue. An anti-fungal lotion is required to treat this. The lotion should be applied to the visible white spots inside the mouth. If this lotion is applied to the mother’s nipple, then the baby will get rid of this problem quickly.

Last but not the least, consult with your doctor before any kind of medical treatment.

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