Why do babies make milk and how to get rid of this problem?

a woman breastfeeding her baby while sitting on the couch

If the mother does not know the correct breastfeeding techniques, then there is a high chance that the baby makes milk. Babies swallow some amount of air during breastfeeding and as a result, the baby makes milk. If you learn the techniques of how to properly breastfeed your baby and after that the proper method of belching, then only you can get rid of this problem.

Now, the question is what are the right techniques of breastfeeding?

If can breastfeed your baby in any comfortable posture like lying down, sitting, or even standing. If the baby can suckle the breast, he/she can get enough milk. An amicable and comfortable atmosphere for the mother and intense affection towards her child can increase the production of breast milk.

A mother can apply the following techniques to properly breastfeed her baby: –

  • The baby should be held in such a way that he/she faces towards the mother and his/her eyes shoulders and buttocks can stay in straight line.
  • The baby’s face should stay towards mother’s breast and the nose should stay just opposite the nipple.
  • The mother should hold the baby with intense affection.
  • If the mother presses the breast from upside, it will be convenient for the baby to take the breast in the mouth.
  • Do not press the areola with your finger.
  • Baby’s mouth should touch mother’s nipple perfectly and please wait until baby’s mouth is open.
  • As soon as the baby opens mouth, quickly put the breast into baby’s mouth and check whether the baby takes the breast properly in his/her mouth or not.
  • If the baby cannot hold the breast in his/her mouth properly, then try again and again until he/she made it.

If the above-mentioned techniques are maintained properly, then the problem of milking will reduce and a strong bonding will be established between you and your baby.

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